Your relationship trust is currently at the Low level.
What Does My Result Mean?
LOW TRUST: You have a low degree of trust in your partner and your relationship. Trust is one of the three foundational components of a healthy relationship (along with Commitment and Love). Not all couples are meant to be together forever, but even ones that struggle with trust issues can work things out if both partners make a strong commitment to the process. Below is a book recommendation, or you can click "What Is My Next Step?" to view resources available through Uplift Counseling Center. (Before reading the rest of the book, consider turning to chapter 10. It will help you assess whether your partner is someone you just shouldn’t trust.) Reading this book by yourself can clarify your situation and may help you make positive changes in your interactions with your partner. But if he or she will agree, try to work through the exercises together. Some soul searching is in order here: do you both have enough motivation to do this? If so, retake this quiz after you’ve finished the book and have put its advice into action. If your score remains low, seek more individualized help using the green button below.